Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gugun Blues Shelter Release New Album

Gugun Blues blues rock trio finally released their album Shelter. Gugun titled Shelter Blues, an album that, according Gugun, guitarist and founder Gugun Shelter Blues, had "confiscated energy and our minds" that can be bought through the delivery order.
"We record and produce this album as a completely independent project, with our own funds and the help of friends," he said by telephone today Gugun.
According Gugun, the album recorded in the Theme Studio, Perdatam, Jakarta. Studio owner, Danny, is "our old friend." Recording process lasted six days, in early January. With the process of mixing and mastering, the album completed in a month.
Consisting of nine songs, the theme of the album which printed a thousand CD's tend to be grim coffee. They mention the problems struggle to liberate themselves, and differences in the character of human life, longing, and even greed. "Their lyrics are a reflection of our daily lives harilah," said Gugun.
Even so, his music remains as Gugun ensure previous albums-Get the Bugs (2004), Turn It On (2006), and Set My Soul on Fire (2009), which has not been released. "You can still dance with existing songs."
Gugun formerly Shelter Blues Gugun and the Bluesbug. Established in early 2000, the influence Hendirx Jimi, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Led Zeppelin, and the other blues warriors became the foundation for them-apart Gugun, two other personnel were Aditya Wibowo or Bowie (drums) and Jon Armstrong (bass)-to draw on his music own. Elements of blues, funk, and soul in their music could attract various circles. They even had several tours and performs at blues festivals in the UK.

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